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5 ways custom printed stickers can bring in the customers

Modern marketing is a holistic game that encompasses many mediums to win the audience’s attention. Whether you’re dominating your industry with an Insta-famous social campaign, topping the list with world class SEO, or sticking to traditional methods like print, there is no way your business can thrive without an effective marketing plan.

One of the best ways you can grab your audience’s attention is through custom sticker printing. You can easily incorporate custom stickers into your branding strategy and make the design completely yours, bringing in customers that might not have otherwise seen your advertisement.

All you need to do is come up with a killer design and you can start sticking your prints around town or handing them out to the people that matter - potential customers.

Let’s take a look at five ways custom printed stickers can help you bring in customers like never before.

  1. They turn your customers into brand ambassadors

If you’ve ever seen your friend’s tech, mirror, appliances or whatever with stickers smeared across them, well there you have it - custom printed stickers are doing their job. Custom stickers are an awesome way to turn your customers into brand ambassadors, providing them with a medium for advertising your brand in the most subtle way possible.

One great way to ensure your customers receive your super stylish custom stickers is through including them in your shipping order. Alternatively, you can hand them out at your point of sale so when a happy customer picks up a product they love from your store they will be happy to stick your brand down on their goods. They will take them home and stick them on their Macs, fridges, water bottles, bikes - whatever - either way you have just created a traveling brand advertisement.

  1. They are perfect product labels

Custom stickers have been used for product labeling ever since products were produced en masse, right? Well, there is a very good reason for that: if your customer likes the product they will immediately notice your custom labeling in store and most likely go for that product a second time around!

  1. As a business card alternative

Custom printed stickers can be an awesome alternative to a business card. Imagine taking your brand to an expo or networking event and handing out super fresh stickers instead of business cards? People will immediately remember which “business card” was yours and this will make your brand stand out from the competition.

  1. They boost brand awareness

This is one of the ultimate ways for an eCommerce business to increase brand awareness. Create custom printed stickers that you can write your customer’s shipping address on, or even just pop in some branded stickers like we mentioned earlier, and your customer will know that they are getting a product from your business the second they see the packaging.

  1. They are their own promotional product

Stickers don’t just seem like a business card or pamphlet: they really give off the impression that they are their own promotional item. Customers are often thrilled to receive added goodies with their purchases, whether it be a custom-printed postcard, a keyring or, of course, a custom printed sticker. They give off the impression that the customer is receiving more for their money and this is never a bad thing.

So, do you think your brand is right for custom printed stickers? After all, they’re a pretty good way to win your customer’s attention and for all the right reasons.

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