Rain Check.


Safe & secure: 4 vital ways to improve home security

You never know when a first class home security system will come in handy. Maybe some sneaky opportunist notices a package left lazily on your doorstep; perhaps some shifty crooks have been staking out the place for a burg; or perhaps your neighbours have been recent victims of theft and you just want to ensure the same crooks don’t target your property!

From securing your doors and windows to the best CCTV camera installation cost for home, here are four ways you can ensure your space is free from crims:

  1. Keep your doors & windows secure

Locking your doors and windows is the first - and most simple - defence against burglars, so it’s important to ensure we are doing it consistently and when we’re not at home. A burglar’s best mate is an unsecured door (let alone window!) so ensure you check that they are secure (especially if there’s been a spate of break-ins in the neighbourhood!).

You can even purchase sensors that alert you to any doors and windows left ajar when you’re out for the day, ensuring that you won’t fall victim to this most simple method of intrusion.

  1. Keep your locks upgraded

Obviously keeping your doors and windows locked is the most basic plan of attack against intruders, but updating your locks is another great way to ensure these dodgy people keep their distance from your property. Ensure your exterior doors all have deadbolts, as these make it incredibly difficult for intruders to break into the property.

What’s more, ensure your external windows are sturdy enough to handle any break in attempts (forcing, jimmying etc.) as older, chipped windows can be quite easy to go through!

  1. Install a home security system

You can find CCTV camera installation cost for home at an amazing price, but this is just the start of your property’s first class security system. Nowadays, you can install a highly advanced solution for an outstanding price, with the benefits far outweighing the cost for installation. Your solution can include everything from the aforementioned CCTV to motion sensors that detect if an intruder has entered the property, floodlights that shine on any potential intruder, as well as a video doorbell that ensures you know exactly who is trying to enter the property at all times.

At the end of the day, a comprehensive security solution is one that ensures you, your family and belongings are safe from intruders, and with so many advanced methods to stop them from entering the property, you can relax with more peace of mind that your property is safe from the threat of burglary.

  1. Keep your valuables hidden

Because it’s not as if we just leave some of our most prized possessions lying around on the kitchen table, is it? Criminals will often spend time staking out a house in order to pick up a few quick valuables upon entering. Because this is a risky, opportune moment, the last thing they want is to spend hours rummaging around a house that could at any moment be flanked by police officers.

So, in the unfortunate event that your property does experience a break in, be sure to keep your items safe, secure and - most importantly - out of a criminal’s sight! This could include anything from keeping them hidden away in a spot that is a little cheekier than the bedside table drawer or even placing them in a safe for ultimate security.

The threat of intrusion is a real nuisance, especially if we have valuables that we really don’t want stolen, but these handy tricks will go a long way to further ensuring your property’s safety from the cheeky people who want nothing more than to take what is rightfully yours!

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