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Clean & pristine: 5 imperative bathroom accessories & cleaning goods

The bathroom: it’s the place that we would like to keep clean the most but also the place that so often seems the dirtiest in the home. But it doesn’t have to be this way, you don’t have to have a bathroom with clothes and towels strewn across the floor, with toothbrushes all over the basin and with shampoo bottles all over the shower.

With accessories like bath towel hooks, shampoo holders and more, you can easily have a clean and pristine bathroom.

Let’s look at five awesome bathroom accessories below:

  1. Bath towel hooks

Is there anything more unpleasant to come out of a messy bathroom than a soggy towel? Not only do dirty towels stink and are unpleasant to touch, but they can also be the root cause of a nasty bathroom bacteria spreading situation.

Bathroom towels need time to air out and dry, and this simply can’t happen if they’ve been thrown on the floor - they will only continue in their soggy yuckiness.

Bath towel hooks are the ultimate way to keep the bathroom floor neat as well as your towels dry and sanitary.

  1. Toothbrush holders

Toothbrushes thrown across the basin are really quite unpleasant. I mean, have a look at the way they spread all that old toothpaste across what was once a nice basin top - it’s awful!

Toothbrush holders are ideal for saving yourself the nuisance of having to clean the basin on a regular basis. They may seem like an innocuous accessory, but when you consider the way a used toothbrush can dirty up the bathroom counter then you can see why they shouldn’t be overlooked for yours, too!

  1. Toilet brush & bowl cleaner

Because a dirty toilet is one of the grossest things you could experience in the home. If you don’t have a toilet brush and bowl cleaner at constant disposal then you should really grab one as soon as possible.

I mean, nobody wants to make a mess of the toilet, but sometimes it just happens that way. The main thing is having the ability to clean the toilet when you’re the one who has messed it up a little bit, and so your bathroom should not be going without a toilet brush and bowl cleaner.

  1. Spray bottles with cleaning products

Many people overlook toilet cleaning products when in the supermarket, and this is why it might be a good idea to have some handy spray bottles at the ready so that you remember their importance when it comes to keeping a clean, hygienic bathroom.

By having a couple of separate spray bottles handy with glass cleaner, tile cleaner and more, you will always remember to fill them up and therefore won’t be without the right products when it’s time to give your bathroom that much-needed deep clean!

  1. Rubber gloves

Because cleaning the bathroom can be pretty gross - we all know this. When you consider some of the unsanitary things that go on in the home bathroom it’s pretty understandable that you might want to have some rubber gloves handy to ensure that there is a thick barrier between your hands and the toilet.

Sure, you’ll still want to give your hands a good scrub after you’ve finished the big bathroom clean, but rubber gloves are the first line of protection between you and some of the nasty germs that can formulate and spread (especially in the places you’ll likely be cleaning!).

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